Year Founded
Clement Studebaker
South Bend, Indiana, United States
Peter Studebaker
Official Site
Studebaker was an automobile and wagon manufacturing company based in America. The company was founded in 1852 by the Studebaker family which had 5 members; Jacob, Peter, John, Clement, and Henry. The company was defunct in 1967. The company was previously known as Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company and it used to produce different vehicles like carriages, harnesses, buggies, and wagons.
The company entered the vehicle industry in 1902 and this was when the company was only named to Studebaker. The company first manufactured electric vehicles and they introduced gasoline vehicles in 1904. By 1912, the company was mass producing vehicles and had made a good reputation in the automobile industry.
Studebaker did a merger with Packard which was unsuccessful and almost got the company closed. The company was restored in 1962 but some manufacturing plants were closed which caused cash flow issues and resulted in company’s defunct in 1967.
Rober Bourke designed the Studebaker 1953 model.
The first Studebaker car was made in 1902.
The most popular Studebaker car is The Champion.
The Studebaker’s fastest car was Avanti.
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